Time slot Working Title Presenter, Affiliation
9:15 Doors open
9:30-10:00 Coffee and gathering. Meditation and Niggunim begin 9:45 Linda Shriner-Cahn, Willard Knox
10:00-10:25 Introduction to Day Linda Shriner-Cahn, Tehillah/AJR

R. David Greenstein, AJR
10:30-11:30 Breakout Session A: Biblical Reflections on Healing and Family Dynamics: Numbers 12 Diane M. Sharon, Ph.D

Breakout Session B: Practical considerations (social work and elder law) Debbie Greenberg, Arleen Stern, Ira Salzman
11:35-12:35 Breakout Session C: Text Study R. David Greenstein, AJR

Expressive Options: In Our Own Voices

Writing an Ethical Will Linda Shriner-Cahn

Preserving Memories; Keeping Tradition Chaya Weinstein
12:40-1:20 Lunch A simple kosher lunch of salads/sandwiches
1:25-:2:40 Breakout Session D: Psychological and medical considerations Eric Rubin, Sam Basch, Barrie Raik

Breakout Session E: Bio-ethics: Legal and Jewish viewpoints Marvin Yaker, Tehillah, R. Len Scharzer, MD, R. Steven Shulman,
2:45-3:45 Breakout Session F: The Pastoral Lens: Focus on the Patient R. Simon Hirschhorn, Hebrew Home of Riverdale

Expressive Options: In Our Own Voices

Expressing ourselves through movement Jan Krieger

Visual Art Project: Creating a 3-dimensional book Dena Schutzer
3:50-4:40 Healing service Linda Shriner-Cahn, Natasha Hirschhorn, Sariel Beckenstein